IT-M Learning Conference 2022 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:33:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IT-M Learning 32 32 Understanding Headset Drivers: Importance and Functionality Explained Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:33:07 +0000 1. Types of Headset Drivers There are several types of drivers used in headsets, each serving a specific purpose and catering to different audio requirements.Continue readingUnderstanding Headset Drivers: Importance and Functionality Explained

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1. Types of Headset Drivers

There are several types of drivers used in headsets, each serving a specific purpose and catering to different audio requirements. The most common types include:

– **Audio Drivers:** These drivers handle the playback and processing of audio signals, converting digital audio files into analog signals that can be heard through the headset’s speakers or earphones.

– **Microphone Drivers:** In headsets equipped with microphones, microphone drivers enable the capture and processing of audio input, converting sound waves into digital signals that can be transmitted to other devices.

– **Virtual Surround Sound Drivers:** Some advanced gaming headsets feature virtual surround sound drivers, which simulate the effect of multi-channel audio to create a more immersive gaming experience.

2. Importance of Headset Drivers

Now that we have a basic understanding of what headset drivers are, let’s explore why they are essential:

**Enhanced Audio Quality:** Headset drivers play a crucial role in delivering high-quality audio output. By optimizing sound reproduction and processing capabilities, drivers ensure that users experience clear, crisp audio with accurate sound reproduction across different frequencies.

**Compatibility and Stability:** Properly functioning drivers ensure compatibility between the headset and the device it’s connected to, whether it’s a PC, gaming console, or mobile device. Updated drivers also contribute to system stability, minimizing compatibility issues and potential audio glitches.

**Customization and Control:** Many headset drivers come with accompanying software that allows users to customize audio settings according to their preferences. This may include adjusting equalizer settings, configuring surround sound effects, or fine-tuning microphone sensitivity. These customization options empower users to tailor their audio experience to suit their individual preferences and requirements.

**Firmware Updates:** Headset drivers are periodically updated by manufacturers to address bugs, enhance performance, and introduce new features. Keeping drivers up-to-date ensures that users can take advantage of the latest improvements and optimizations, maximizing the lifespan and functionality of their headsets.

**Optimized Performance:** Well-designed drivers optimize the performance of the headset’s hardware components, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and minimizing latency. This results in smoother audio playback, reduced input lag, and overall better performance, particularly in demanding applications such as gaming or audio production.

3. Common Issues with Headset Drivers

Despite their importance, headset drivers can sometimes be a source of frustration for users. Common issues associated with headset drivers include:

– **Compatibility Problems:** Outdated or incompatible drivers may cause the headset to malfunction or fail to work altogether on certain devices.

– **Audio Distortion or Poor Quality:** Improperly configured drivers or outdated firmware can result in audio distortion, poor sound quality, or other audio anomalies.

– **Mic Sensitivity Issues:** Incorrect microphone settings or driver issues may lead to microphone sensitivity problems, such as overly loud or muffled audio input.

– **Software Crashes:** In some cases, buggy or poorly optimized drivers may cause the accompanying software to crash or become unresponsive, disrupting the user experience.

4. Best Practices for Managing Headset Drivers

To ensure optimal performance and functionality, users can follow these best practices for managing headset drivers:

– **Regularly Update Drivers:** Check for driver updates regularly and install them as soon as they become available. Manufacturers often release updates to address performance issues, enhance compatibility, and introduce new features.

– **Use Official Drivers:** Whenever possible, download drivers directly from the official website of the headset manufacturer. Avoid third-party driver downloads, as they may be outdated or contain malware.

– **Backup Drivers:** Consider backing up your headset drivers after installing updates or making configuration changes. This ensures that you can easily revert to a previous driver version if you encounter compatibility issues or other problems.

– **Monitor Performance:** Keep an eye on your headset’s performance and be vigilant for any signs of audio degradation or unusual behavior. Address any issues promptly to prevent them from escalating into more significant problems.

5.One notable example of cutting-edge headset technology is the Logitech G733, a wireless gaming headset that goes beyond conventional audio experiences. Complementing its advanced hardware, the Logitech G733 comes equipped with intuitive software that enhances user control and customization.

Logitech G73 3 software provides users with a comprehensive suite of tools to fine-tune their audio experience. With a user-friendly interface, it allows for precise adjustments to audio settings, including equalizer configurations, surround sound preferences, and microphone sensitivity.

The software seamlessly integrates with the headset, offering a range of preset audio profiles tailored for different genres of gaming or multimedia consumption. Whether users seek thunderous explosions in an action-packed game or crystal-clear communication in a virtual meeting, Logitech G733 software ensures that the headset’s capabilities are optimized for the task at hand.

Additionally, Logitech G733 software facilitates firmware updates, ensuring that users can take advantage of the latest features and improvements. This commitment to ongoing software support enhances the longevity of the headset, providing users with a future-proof audio solution.

By incorporating logitech software into the broader discussion of headset drivers, it becomes evident that the software is a vital component of the overall audio experience. It exemplifies Logitech’s dedication to providing users with not only exceptional hardware but also the tools needed to unlock the full potential of their audio peripherals.

6. Conclusion

In the ever-evolving landscape of audio technology, the synergy between hardware and software is paramount. Headset drivers, with a focus on Logitech G733 software in this context, showcase the intricate connection between the two, offering users a dynamic and customizable audio experience. As the audio industry continues to push boundaries, users can expect more innovations that seamlessly integrate advanced hardware with sophisticated software, setting the stage for an even more immersive auditory journey.

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The Evolution of IT Technologies: Tracing the Footprints of the Past Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:29:35 +0000 1. The Birth of Computing: The story of IT technologies begins in the early 20th century with the advent of mechanical calculators and punch cardContinue readingThe Evolution of IT Technologies: Tracing the Footprints of the Past

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1. The Birth of Computing:

The story of IT technologies begins in the early 20th century with the advent of mechanical calculators and punch card machines. Pioneering figures like Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace laid the theoretical groundwork for modern computing, envisioning machines capable of executing complex mathematical calculations. The invention of the first programmable computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), marked a pivotal moment in history, heralding the dawn of the digital age.

2. From Mainframes to Microprocessors:

The post-World War II era saw the rise of mainframe computers, massive machines housed in dedicated data centers that served large organizations and government agencies. These behemoths, though powerful, were expensive and inaccessible to the average person. The advent of microprocessors in the 1970s revolutionized computing, enabling the development of smaller, more affordable personal computers (PCs) that could be owned and operated by individuals.

3. The Internet Revolution:

The late 20th century witnessed the birth of the Internet, a global network of interconnected computers that would transform the way information is accessed, shared, and disseminated. Originally developed as a means of communication for researchers and academics, the Internet quickly evolved into a ubiquitous tool for commerce, communication, and collaboration. The invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 further democratized access to information, laying the foundation for the digital age.

4. The Rise of Software:

As hardware capabilities expanded, so too did the need for software to unlock their full potential. Software development became a burgeoning field, with programmers creating applications and operating systems that enabled users to perform a wide range of tasks. Operating systems like Microsoft Windows and MacOS brought user-friendly interfaces to the masses, while productivity suites like Microsoft Office revolutionized business processes and personal productivity.

5. Networking and Connectivity:

The proliferation of networking technologies such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi facilitated the seamless exchange of information between devices, enabling the creation of interconnected systems and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT). Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) enabled organizations to connect geographically dispersed locations, while the advent of wireless communication technologies empowered users to access information from anywhere at any time.

6. E-Commerce and Digital Transactions:

The rise of the Internet gave birth to electronic commerce (e-commerce), enabling businesses to sell goods and services online and consumers to shop from the comfort of their homes. Secure payment gateways and encryption technologies paved the way for digital transactions, fostering trust and confidence in online shopping. The integration of e-commerce platforms with customer relationship management (CRM) systems revolutionized marketing and sales strategies, enabling businesses to personalize interactions and drive customer loyalty.

7. Cloud Computing and Virtualization:

In recent years, the advent of cloud computing has transformed the way IT resources are provisioned, managed, and delivered. Cloud services offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, enabling organizations to leverage computing resources on-demand without the need for significant upfront investment in hardware and infrastructure. Virtualization technologies further optimize resource utilization, enabling multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical server, thereby reducing hardware costs and energy consumption.

8. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

The convergence of big data, advanced algorithms, and computational power has fueled rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AI-powered applications and systems are revolutionizing industries ranging from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. From intelligent virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI technologies are reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

9. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy:

With the proliferation of digital technologies comes the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access. Cybersecurity threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches pose significant risks to individuals, organizations, and governments alike. The development of encryption technologies, intrusion detection systems, and security protocols helps safeguard digital assets and preserve privacy in an increasingly interconnected world.

10. Conclusion:

The history of IT technologies is a testament to human ingenuity, innovation, and perseverance. From the humble beginnings of mechanical calculators to the era of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, the journey of IT has been marked by continuous evolution and transformation. As we reflect on the achievements of the past, we must also look to the future with optimism and anticipation, knowing that the next chapter in the story of IT promises even greater possibilities and discoveries.

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How Performance Management Helps Build Reliable Development Teams Fri, 07 Jul 2023 07:48:02 +0000 In the sector of software development, building reliable development teams is critical for the prosperity of the company. To enhance the reliability and efficiency ofContinue readingHow Performance Management Helps Build Reliable Development Teams

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In the sector of software development, building reliable development teams is critical for the prosperity of the company. To enhance the reliability and efficiency of the team, the IT companies adopt a range of performance management techniques. Let’s talk over why they are vital, how performance management helps the company to grow its internal trustworthiness, and cover many other aspects of this topic.

What is Performance Management in Software Development Companies

The concept of performance management spans a range of procedures and techniques with the objective of tracking, assessing, and refining the performance of employees and teams within a software development company.

Performance management incorporates establishing precise aims and responsibilities, delivering regular feedback and training, executing performance assessments, monitoring, and implementing strategies to boost the overall productivity as well as efficiency. It is worth mentioning that this process is not restricted to addressing exceptionally poor performance; insteas, it concentrates on the progress and expansion of the skills and proficiency of specialists to accomplish their utter prospect of capabilities.

Advantages of Performance Management in Software Development Companies

Adopting productive performance management strategies in software development teams ensures several advantages:

Alignment of goals

Performance management guarantees that the member as well as the team objectives are aligned with the entire aims of the company. Transparent and measurable indicators are set, providing employees with a meaning of purpose and further guidance. This understanding contributes to a cooperative, harmonious focus and helps teams function towards joint goals, eventually resulting in enhanced productivity and success.

Enhanced productivity

These practices condition prolonged tracking and estimation of specialists’ productivity and contribution. Frequently delivered feedback and guidance enable effective direction revision and modification, as well as the determination of sectors for advancement. By addressing performance challenges and ensuring essential support, teams can grow their productivity and deliver high-quality software solutions within set milestones.

Skill development

Performance management provides opportunities for skill development and growth. Through regular feedback and coaching sessions, managers can identify skills gaps and suggest appropriate training or development initiatives. This focus on professional growth not only helps team members enhance their expertise but also keeps them engaged and motivated.

Collaboration and communication

Performance management encourages open and transparent communication among team members. Regular feedback sessions foster a culture of constructive dialogue, enabling individuals to share ideas, concerns, and suggestions. This collaborative environment enhances teamwork, builds trust, and promotes a sense of ownership and accountability within the development teams.

Retention of top talent

A strong performance management system acknowledges and rewards outstanding employees’ efficiency. Appreciating and respecting the effort of team members motivates them to work at their best. By creating a friendly work environment and acknowledging accomplishments, software development companies can expand employee satisfaction and retention, decreasing the risk of losing top talent to competitors.

Advice on How to Execute Performance Management Efficiently

To ensure the successful execution of performance management in software development companies, consider the following recommendations and suggestions:

Clear expectations

Establish comprehensive and realistic requirements for employees and team performance. Transparently discuss the set goals, purposes, and performance metrics, assuring that team members are aware of what is demanded from their work.

Regular feedback

Provide regular feedback on performance, both positive and constructive. Timely feedback helps team members stay on track, address any issues, and make necessary improvements. Encourage open and honest communication during feedback sessions.

Mentorship and progress

Be open to support, assistance, and development opportunities reflected in the requirements and motivation of team members. Deliver access to training courses, provide mentorship, if needed, and offer resources that can assist your team in skyrocketing their capacities and extend the expertise.

Performance assessment

Stay fair and objective when completing performance evaluations. Apply a range of quantitative and qualitative metrics to assess productivity, considering individual and team efforts. Make sure that assessments are based on precise criteria and transmit useful analysis for further elaboration.

Recognition and Rewards

Don’t neglect appreciating and rewarding exceptional efficiency and progress of team members. Value the team successes and individual deadlines to motivate and inspire your work environment. You can also think over introducing a rewards and recognition program that reflects the company’s goals and culture.

Continuous progress

Performance management is a continuous flow which covers timely completed review and enhanced performance management strategies powered by measurable indicators, modifications of business requirements, and sector tendencies. Embrace a culture of continuous learning and refinement to stay ahead in the competitive software development market.

As a result, performance management plays a vital role in building reliable development teams in software development companies. The list of suggestions we’ve discussed can contribute to the success and expansion of such organizations. Teams can execute performance management efficiently and create an environment that empowers their members to obtain excellence and deliver exceptional software solutions.

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IT Managed Services for Business: Tasks, Advantages, and Preparational Steps Explained Wed, 05 Jul 2023 13:06:14 +0000 The wide range of up-to-date solutions offered by the IT market requires various teams, such as developers, quality assurance engineers, and designers. Another expert whoContinue readingIT Managed Services for Business: Tasks, Advantages, and Preparational Steps Explained

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The wide range of up-to-date solutions offered by the IT market requires various teams, such as developers, quality assurance engineers, and designers. Another expert who provides qualitative and efficient services to develop the above-mentioned solutions is DevOps. This specialist synchronizes all the building stages of the product, maintains and updates the software, and supports the platform users to guarantee a high-security level.

Hiring competent DevOps experts for the in-house team is a pretty difficult task since they are scarce and have rare specialization with quite costly services. Therefore, the most practical and efficient option is to apply to outsourcing specialists who will take over IT business operations.

Such conditions are beneficial because there is no need for hiring and payments are made only based on work results. Moreover, managed services are rising in popularity nowadays. Statista claims that this field surmounted a market share of $200 billion in 2020 and is expected to cross $300 billion by 2025.

This article will cover the managed IT services notion, its types, advantages, and pitfalls. 

What are Managed IT Services?

This type of service aims at providing the users with an opportunity to operate and control network and server equipment, regulate cloud services and maintain software. 

In a nutshell, managed IT services allow the team to concentrate on the significant objectives. However, small or medium companies neglect taking advantage of private clouds by deploying physical servers comprising data, software, IDEs, and other elements. Server maintenance requires new team members. In case the server fails, customers can’t receive the goods/services and are left dissatisfied. 

Managed IT systems are able to overcome such obstacles by accomplishing all the IT processes in a private cloud. Such large cloud providers as Amazon S3 provide faultless servers with potent hardware. If clients face any problems, they are able to receive consultation from an IT managed service provider. 

Tasks of Managed Services in IT

Entrusting IT management to third-party services offers beneficial value for money and high performance if you apply to outsource. 

You can get acquainted with all the tasks of IT managed services below:

Data Backup 

Such a widespread issue as cyberattacks requires data backups. In case your business is based on data, the lack of backups may inflict damage and profit loss. 

IT managed services provide automatic backups and data transfer to reserve machines to cope with any possible failures. The server may operate on-premise or in the cloud. Tech-savvy specialists maintain a physical server or cloud architecture, manage data, control databases, and fulfill other related aims. 

Analysis and Consulting 

Newly-established organizations often outsource performance analysis due to insufficient competency in cloud infrastructure management and system execution evaluation. 

These duties are usually accomplished by DevOps engineers, who conduct system analysis to make up a list of enhancing suggestions. In-house specialists use it for system development. As a result, you achieve both high system efficiency and low outgoings due to a reduced amount of resources (AWS involvement). 

CI/CD Regulating 

Continuous integration/continuous delivery is a set of actions to help automate the software delivery process. It may be described as a performing specification comprising all measures fulfilled by developers. The aim is to provide the updated version of the product for higher efficiency. Therefore, there’s no need for programmers to create and test the platform manually. These responsibilities are taken over by CI/CD

The pipeline of IT managed services is adjusted due to your requirements. For instance, such languages as C/C+ or Java require the development of a software instance for later work. Wherein languages like JavaScript or Ruby are able to skip this step. So the pipeline’s flexibility may be adapted by outsourced experts to satisfy your needs. 

Cloud Infrastructure Security 

Security is a vital point when it comes to cloud app development. The widely used cloud service provider is Amazon, with a shared responsibility model: AWS keeps the entire cloud safe, whereas users secure the resources and applications inside. Thus, hardware, software, and network operated by AWS service are secured by Amazon. Nevertheless, the protection of the stored elements lies on users’ shoulders. 

Managed IT service vendors utilize AWS frameworks (like Identity Access Management , S3 security, CloudTrail) to secure the customers’ software from fraudulent actions. 

Advantages of Managed Services in IT

Let’s proceed to the benefits of IT management services and why they may be profitable for you. 

Talented Partners

The significant pros of outsourcing are that demanded executive and proficient specialists are already hired. The recruitment process is time-consuming and requires covering specific details. 

However, these obstacles are overcome by the managed IT service provider who connects you to the required expert. To choose the best partner for profitable cooperation, you should collect and analyze the info about managed IT vendors, such as reviews and rates. These points are available on platforms like Clutch and GoodFirms. 

Focus on Major Tasks 

The initial objectives should be prioritized to make your business successful. In this case, managed IT service allows focusing on significant tasks. Software developers are usually responsible for server deployment and installation of cloud storage when it comes to startups. The amount of duties is too big, which leads to the employees’ burnout. Managed IT services cope with this issue. 

In addition, business owners may receive valuable recommendations on IT processes. Consequently, qualified DevOps services may significantly enhance your business IT operations with competent tech suggestions. 

Predictable Costs

Another benefit is the opportunity to calculate the final paycheck for the IT services in advance. As a result, you may conveniently manage your outgoings. 

What’s more, vendors offer various payment plans (e.g., hourly rate/monthly payment). Another option is paying for certain tasks. So the payment plan may also be adapted for your requirements, which is also quite beneficial. 

Less Development Time 

A bigger number of experts can develop, test, and release the product faster and avoid fatigue. The time-efficient launching allows us to assess the product’s performance in a real environment and fix all the bugs (if any). With the help of managed IT services, the in-house team will meet all the deadlines without working over and feeling exhausted. 


The enterprise’s progress impacts the growth of the team. DevOps department maintains servers, protects the cloud framework, and adapts cloud services. 

On the other hand, on-demand hiring conditions provide you with reliable experts immediately. You may invite the employee from the outsourcing company to work in your office, which will also decrease your expenditures. 

Challenges of IT Managed Services

Here’s the list of main drawbacks of these services which you also have to note:

Team Management 

Some unfair vendors may use your guiding inaccessibility and provide specialists who will fulfill tasks slower to make the customer pay more. 

To prevent dishonesty, you should define certain KPIs to your partners from abroad and discuss defined deadlines and the delivery of the final product.


To choose a suitable company, you should explore as much information about it as possible. Check the clients’ reviews on the cooperation experience on verified sources, like Clutch. GoodFirms is another source that provides reports on heading companies from diverse niches and contains all the essential data. 

Strategic Approach 

The most suitable specialists can only be selected based on clearly stated requirements, which you set during the negotiation with the vendor. Therefore, you will be delighted with the final result.

From the perspective of the scalable approach, you will benefit from having the vision of the project’s future for a couple of years forward. 

Managed Services: Primary Steps

Last but not least: let’s cover the beforehand actions to utilize managed services successfully. 

Calculate the Expenditures

You should begin with an entire cost calculation of an in-house DevOps team, which has to incorporate the average team members’ salary with the extra outgoings like insurance, vacation, etc. Please note that, commonly, in-house developers can cope with all the tasks alone in moderate projects. In this case, negotiating the conditions, setting requirements, and signing up contracts may be time-consuming. 

However, if your project is large-scale and requires complex and sophisticated solutions, you will be pleasantly surprised by managed IT services pricing, and that will help you to benefit financially. The saved effort and finances may be invested in the creation of your project. 

Select Potential Partners

After filtering all the options of potential vendors, you should select the most suitable ones. Then, you should compare them and weigh the pros and cons of each company. 

For productive and clear communication, you should look for partners who can speak English fluently. Otherwise, constant misunderstanding will affect the cooperation efficiency. Moreover, the primary point to consider is payment conditions, so you should discuss them in detail. 

Choose a Provider and Onboard Specialists

After contacting the chosen vendor, you should arrange a meeting to thoroughly and properly describe your requirements for the final product. The type of your project will identify your future steps. For instance, if your aim is to move from physical servers to the cloud, the vendor will ask you to ensure the utmost access stage to the server and cloud-provider accounts. 

After that, the vendor defines the most suitable specialists with relevant expertise personally for you. You may explore their CVs and interview each one to make a correct decision. In case your computing knowledge is insufficient, you may ask your senior developer to help you. 

Eventually, after hiring all the essential teammates, you should onboard and introduce your project to them. The team should access all the project management tools, server architecture data, and communication services like corporate chats. Furthermore, you should keep in touch with your employees so that they can reach out to you to clarify any arising questions. Needless to say, you should introduce your new employees to your in-house team. 

Wrapping Up 

IT managed services are highly advantageous for a business and may help to overcome lots of issues and obstacles. Such work is complex, versatile, and has certain peculiarities. Your partner is provided with access to vitally significant data and processes, which require great expertise and a high level of reliability. Owing to these facts, the main factor is to choose a trustworthy and competent partner carefully and meticulously. So the performance and qualification level are key points to consider. This way, the cooperation will be beneficial and productive for your business.

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MySQL Debugger: What is this? Tue, 04 Oct 2022 06:56:59 +0000 MySQL database is an essential component of any website or application. They store data that is used by the application or website. MySQL is aContinue readingMySQL Debugger: What is this?

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MySQL database is an essential component of any website or application. They store data that is used by the application or website. MySQL is a free and open-source database management system.

MySQL Debugger tool can be a very useful tool in debugging SQL code. It can help you to visually analyze and investigate the run-time behavior of MySQL database objects and find database-related errors in your stored routines.

Why Should You Debug MySQL Code?

When developing a website or application that uses a MySQL database, it is inevitable that you will come across errors in your MySQL Code. If you are not using a debugger, then fixing these errors can be a very time-consuming process. A debugger is a tool that allows you to execute your SQL queries line by line so that you can see exactly where the error is occurring.

In order to get the most out of the MySQL Debugger, there are many reasons to use it. Some examples are as follows:

  • You’re trying to track down an error in a MySQL query.
  • You want to optimize a MySQL query for better performance.
  • To troubleshoot a problem, you need to generate a slow query log.

MySQL Debugger can be extremely helpful when trying to track down errors in MySQL code. It can help us identify the line of code that is causing an error and help us understand why the error is occurring so that our programs can run efficiently.

How MySQL Debugger works?

The process of debugging SQL queries can be a bit difficult, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be made relatively simple. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to debug SQL queries in MySQL, so you can ensure that your code is error-free and running smoothly.

Examples of Using Debugger for MySQL

Debugger for MySQL is the most helpful tool for developers; there are many debuggers for MySQL query are available in the market, like MySQL Workbench, DbGate, dbForge Studio for MySQL and DbVisualizer. They are graphical tools that allow you to see the progress of your query and the results that it returns.

MySQL comes with a built-in tool called the MySQL Query Analyzer that can help you debug your queries. Although dbForge Studio for MySQL is one of the most renowned and excellent app for debugging the MySQL queries, debugging MySQL functions, MySQL triggers ad stored routines to ensure the smooth development process. Using MySQL GUI by Devart, you can find the cause of errors along with other valuable features. 

dbForge Studio for MySQL provides many other tools to manage a database, allowing you to see the execution plan of a query and the estimated number of rows that will be returned by the query.

No matter which method you choose, debugging SQL queries in MySQL can save you a lot of time and frustration.

Advanced Overview of Debug Engine

If you want to debug stored procedures, functions, and triggers, the debug engine should be installed on the server. Debugging technology involves servers, so the debug engine is a server part of it. This system is the base of the database engine and is used for debugging.

You’ll be asked whether to deploy the debug engine when it’s not already installed, or to compile stored procedure with debugging information.

You can redeploy or deploy it at any time by selecting Deploy Debug Engine on the Debug menu. You need to remove the cr_debug database from the server to deactivate it.

To deploy debug engine you need to have PROCESS global privilege and the following privileges on cr_debug database (or global ones):

  • DROP

How to Compile Stored Procedures, Functions, and Triggers for Debugging

You need to debug stored procedures, functions, and triggers by compiling them with the debugging information. To debug a procedure, function or trigger, right-click it and select Compile for Debugging.

If you run the debug session, you will see the prompts for compiling the functions in which you are interested. To remove debug info from the stored procedure, function or trigger, right-click the name of the object in the database and select Compile on the shortcut menu.

Debug compilation is used to add additional information to your project files so that you can have better visibility into how the software is functioning. dbForge Studio helps you debug stored procedures, functions, and triggers, without the need to open your query editor and check the “Show compiled columns” box in your query.

These sentences don’t affect logic that was already stored. Compiling without debug information removes this code from the compiled routine.


Hopefully, this blog post has given you a better understanding of the Debugger for MySQL and why you might need to use it. If you have issues with MySQL debug queries or want to track down performance and security issues. Be sure to give the dbForge Studio for MySQL a try.

The post MySQL Debugger: What is this? appeared first on IT-M Learning.

How to Outsource the Development of Mobile Applications in 2022 Mon, 15 Aug 2022 07:39:24 +0000 With a projected total of over $581 billion in mobile app income in 2020 and more than 105 billion app downloads expected to occur globallyContinue readingHow to Outsource the Development of Mobile Applications in 2022

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With a projected total of over $581 billion in mobile app income in 2020 and more than 105 billion app downloads expected to occur globally from the App Store and Google Play during the first three quarters of 2020, respectively, it’s hardly surprising that the mobile app industry is regarded as one of the most attractive.

On the other hand, companies do join the market not only to increase their profits. Additionally, here are a few more reasons:

  • Accessibility. Through apps, companies can engage directly with their clients, which is particularly important for retaining younger generations who are more proficient with technology.
  • Added value. Mobile applications are additional platforms businesses can use to promote their product range, share recommendations, or engage customers in loyalty programs.
  • Automation. Organizations can automate repetitive procedures using apps, resulting in more efficient processes.

If developing a mobile app is something you’ve been considering doing for some time now for a variety of reasons, including those mentioned above, then the next question you need to ask yourself is which way of app development to choose. It is crucial to explore all of your possibilities before making a smart decision. In this post, we will compare the most prominent options: white-labeled solutions and custom app development.
Ready-Made Solutions vs. Custom Mobile Application Development
The titles of these services speak for themselves: customized mobile application development refers to developing an app from scratch with consideration given to your preferences and requirements.

App builders and ready-to-purchase adjustable platforms are both examples of ready-made solutions. Their design and functionality possibilities are limited compared to custom applications. As a result, the apps delivered to the end-user are often unremarkable and fail to differentiate themselves from competitors.

On the other hand, there are some positive aspects of ready-made solutions. In addition to being less expensive and easier to implement, off-the-shelf solutions are:

Good if you’re looking for simple functionality. It is definitely a reasonable option for you if you are looking for an application that performs a single and simple thing or streamlines a common procedure.
An excellent alternative for small companies. When there is a limit on the budget, but the app still has to be developed, turn to a ready-made solution. Even if it may be difficult in the beginning, after you have reached a certain level of success and are no longer dependent on financial constraints, you can always design a brand new and improved custom app.

The Benefits of Custom Application Development

Here is the question: why should companies spend more money on customized applications when they can run one which is much less to purchase? The advantages are what really play an important role!


The ability to customize an application to precisely satisfy your company’s goals and needs from top to bottom is one of the most compelling arguments in favor of developing your custom app. When working with white-labeled solutions, you must make do with the provided set of features, which may not be relevant to your needs or could be insufficient.

Four more advantages may be derived from customizing a product or service:
Personalized UX: The customer experience offered by off-the-shelf solutions is often not very impressive since they just give a fundamental set of functionality and templates. In the long run, it may not affect your app’s usability or ability to get new users.

Brand Identity: A mobile application that is well designed and has a branded user interface and user experience will always set a company apart from its competitors in the eyes of its customers. With the development of mobile applications in today’s world, this is the ideal opportunity for you to convey your authenticity to a more extensive audience. Authenticity content is a deciding factor for 86 percent of consumers when picking companies to support and like.

Decision-making freedom: Using an unconventional approach, you can implement practically any idea and include any feature. This also includes the technology stack, which may not be a choice in ready-made solutions, for example, frameworks and programming languages.


You will have complete control over your project’s development progress if you choose to have a custom mobile app. Because it does not have a problem with scaling, unlike off-the-shelf alternatives, the application can always be modified to fulfill your business’s requirements and to meet new customer expectations both now and in the future.

You can make changes and add new features at any time, which allows you to begin the project on a modest scale and then expand it later. When you choose app builders, you have to consider the limits that would normally stop you from operating an application that provides a spectacular and up-to-date customer experience.

Ownership and Terms of Use

In most cases, even if you buy a premade app, you will not have complete ownership over the app. There are some outcomes that might result from this:

Lack of solo image: Your application’s user interface will prominently include the logo of the service responsible for providing you with the application. Additionally, the information may be presented inside the app stores themselves. This could not be acceptable for companies that place a high value on their independence.
When a company goes for a ready-made solution, they often risk running into issues such as distribution restrictions, copyright claims​​, and other issues.

Uncertain future: You will be reliant on a third party, and that third party provider might go out of business, get involved in a publicized controversy, or interfere with the activities of the application.

Uncertainty is much minimized when you are in command and own the copyrights. Because of this, you can be certain that your money is in good hands.

Integrations and Compatibility

Going the customized way is the best approach to ensure that your solution will work with any device and operating system. For instance, you can develop a customized Android application if the majority of the people who will use your app have Android phones.

In addition, developing a unique application from scratch makes it much simpler to manage seamless integrations with your business software. You can provide all of the functionality required for it to interact with their order processing, stock monitoring, or any other purpose software.


There are several circumstances where a mobile app is not an appropriate method of interacting with customers or improving the business. They often serve as a solid supporter that makes it easier to automate company operations, and optimize business processes. Even though the cost of developing a custom app is higher, it will satisfy your requirements and establish a rapport with any other software you could be using. Even while an out-of-the-box solution may still give a reasonable number of capabilities, it may also contain many features that are not essential and will only slow down your process.


Regarding security, a customized program is an absolute winner. First and foremost, it was developed with the OS and API requirements in mind. Second, you can integrate supplementary security measures such as data encryption and two-factor authentication. The privacy of the information you collect from your users will be protected this way.

Additional Revenue Opportunities

You have complete control over implementing a monetization plan when building an app from scratch. You might sell your goods, advertisements, subscriptions, or other services. You have total control over everything, unlike when you choose a ready-made solution, where you are limited to the built-in features, some of which may preclude monetization.

Wrapping up

Building a custom app from scratch in response to specific requirements often results in higher quality in the short and long term. For instance, selecting custom iOS app development ensures that your application will wholly comply with the regulations set by the App Store. This results in a seamless, bug-free performance and boasts an excellent design and a branded appearance of the finest quality.

Creating a customized mobile application may appear challenging and time-consuming. However, if you have a reliable development partner like Orangesoft that can assist you in developing the next big app in your industry. The Orangesoft team has the necessary abilities and a significant amount of expertise in building custom apps. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible, and we’ll help you find a solution.

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Cross-Functional Software Development Teams: Essence, Benefits, Challenges, and More Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:37:33 +0000 A great project results from a successful combination of many constituents, like a perfect concept, cutting-edge tech stack, and a skilled IT staff with enoughContinue readingCross-Functional Software Development Teams: Essence, Benefits, Challenges, and More

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A great project results from a successful combination of many constituents, like a perfect concept, cutting-edge tech stack, and a skilled IT staff with enough expertise for your workflow completion and maximum profit.

A cross-functional team gathering will be a great decision for your software development project. This post will explain the cross-functional team notion, advantages, challenges, and other necessities. 

What is The Essence of Cross-Functional Staff?

Cross-functional IT staff notion implies a group of various departments’ professionals, such as Android/iOS developers, UI/UX designers, QA engineers, and so on, concentrated on one project development (e.g., building a web app/website). Constant communication is a distinctive feature of such a cooperation type, allowing the experts to release the developed products as soon as possible. Moreover, cooperation with professionals from various departments helps you solve a set of possible project issues before it’s too late to deal with it. 

A cross-functional team may work quicker than a traditional functional team. A functional team method increases the time and money you spend on your staff and their meetings while also boosting the time spent on project development. This way, one department can perform their part of work while the others wait for its finish. However, this disadvantage can be eliminated by collaboration with the cross-functional teams. 

Functional vs. cross-functional teams

Functional teams’ departments are responsible each for their duties. They work sequentially, transferring a finished part of a project from one to another department. Thus, one department may wait while another finishes their piece of work.

Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams

More than 30% of CEOs proved that a cross-functional team is the most common choice for their companies. So let’s find out what benefits they obtain from it. 

Cost reduction. The cross-functional staff members simultaneously answer all the emergent queries from clients. That cuts costs, saves the company’s time, and speeds up the development flow.

Enhanced Communication. Proper communication can assist in increasing your business efficiency. So does the cross-functional team actively communicate with each other and on different collaboration levels.

Enough competency for complex projects. Cross-functional staff is capable of quickly solving the arising issues due to their excellence in communication. Such an aspect allows to boost the project and finish it quicker.

Superb concepts. The members of a cross-functional team constantly share their experiences with each other, getting new knowledge and finding out something new. Here great concepts bore.

Cross-Functional Team Challenges

Cross-functional staffs also have their own issues you need to know about to solve them as quickly as possible. One of such issues is the necessity to comply with specific development steps listed below.

The launching step is required to gather a team and define all the purposes. Concentrate on respondents’ abilities and expertise to get the most out of this process to prevent employing the incorrect personnel.

The storming step is a challengeous one. During it, you should perform a set of team-building activities to unite your collected staff and explain their common goals. Furthermore, care about trainings for conflict resolutions. 

The norming step is made while the project flow is started. All the goals and objectives are already identified, so you should manage your staff work, particularly controlling non-performers.
How to manage your cross-functional team? There are some tips you should consider:

  • Use team management tools (e.g., Slack, Trello, Fleep, Basecamp, etc.)
  • Conduct team-building meetings but don’t overuse them
  • Always offer valuable feedback to your personnel

The performing step means your project is nearly finished. Check out the number of tasks and their timing for making correct estimates with your cross-functional team.

Development steps you should pass through for dealing with your cross-functional team

Wrapping Up

Cross-functional teams can be amazingly beneficial in case you know how to wisely handle them. It may help you save time and funds while developing the project, leading to higher performance. What’s more, they allow you to solve possible challenges earlier until it becomes a severe problem. 

We only told the management basics, but if you want to know more, the skilled software development company can provide an in-depth consultation for you and offer the appropriate candidates for gathering a powerful cross-functional team.

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All About Staff Augmentation in 2022 Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:31:04 +0000 While requiring a new IT personnel, organizations typically think out staff augmentation. It’s perfect for particular business situations, allowing you to save time and resourcesContinue readingAll About Staff Augmentation in 2022

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While requiring a new IT personnel, organizations typically think out staff augmentation. It’s perfect for particular business situations, allowing you to save time and resources for hiring a required professional on a project. 

We’ll discuss the essence of this term, staff aug benefits, the best time to use this cooperation model, and so on. 

Staff Augmentation: What Is This?

Let’s find out the essence of the staff augmentation notion. It is the expansion of an in-house team without the necessity to hire supplementary specialists. 

Simply said, if you need to hire professionals with the additional expertise you need for your project, you can apply to an external IT vendor. They can render you IT consulting services and then choose some specialists with the required expertise among their staff and send you the CVs of the selected experts. You can analyze the received information, conduct the job interviews, and sign a contract after the employees’ acceptance. The chosen professionals join your in-house staff and participate in your project.

Staff augmentation: how is it functioning?

The staff augmentation can be a long-term and a short-term one. Long-term staff aug is used to free up in-house resources or fill in the talent shortage. Moreover, using this cooperation model, you can reduce hiring expenditures for your company. The short-term is applied to replace the temporarily absent specialist or hire one with rare expertise.

You can classify staff augmentation as follows: 

  • Extremely knowledgeable. You’ll need professionals with in-depth knowledge of a specific topic or a diverse group of experts.
  • Skill-based. For project realization, you require an individual with certain talents. 
  • Commodity. To do labor-intensive activities, you’ll need someone you can trust, even if you’ve got no special skills for project development. 

Staff Augmentation Advantages For Your Business

The advantages of using staff augmentation range from lower software development expenses to speedier recruitment of highly competent individuals. Let’s look at some more good points:

Cost-effectiveness. The price of staff augmentation services varies based on the wages of software engineers for one working hour. Furthermore, you may choose from various payment approaches, including daily/hourly rates, project-based or value-based billing.

Great performance. While an outsource software development team can work on different projects simultaneously, the augmented team is only concentrated on your project. 

Resource-conservation. Find a necessary expert in a few days (typically 2-3 days). Keep in mind that the duration is determined by the experience level of the staff augmentation vendor. 

Flexibility. You may try out a range of IT expertise without employing a full-time staff by  expanding your staff on a temporary basis.

Team aug benefits

What’s The Best Time to Use Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation is an effective cooperation method with its own wide set of advantages. The most common ones were listed above.

Let’s have a closer look at the best cases for using the team augmentation approach. 

Enhanced control. As the augmented personnel is a member of your in-house staff, there are no connectivity concerns because they are accessible 24/7. Furthermore, you have total control over project flows and the team’s activity.

Enough competency. You can hire aug staff specialists with the appropriate experience for your particular project. So, the IT development vendor may find professionals with quick decision-making abilities if your project is large and complex.

The in-house staff expansion. Use staff augmentation services when you need to employ professionals with unique expertise or let more specialists perform essential duties while your staff is concentrated on other tasks. 

Faster team scaling. Discover highly trained professionals very quickly using the team augmentation paradigm. All you need is to choose a reputable vendor, analyze the CVs of the possible candidates, and conduct interviews. 

Summing Up

It might be challenging to find qualified professionals these days. The staff augmentation strategy enables you to locate a diverse group of specialists with considerable expertise in a variety of business industries.

If you need to use this collaboration approach for your project, a competent software development company can help you. The specialists will give you an in-depth consultation due to the business situation, help you choose experts with the required skills, and duly assist you in project development.

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How to minimize risks with an external IT project department and a regular SLA Sat, 18 Sep 2021 05:57:00 +0000 Finding experienced and qualified software developers is one of the most difficult problems that small, medium, and large companies face. … Continue readingHow to minimize risks with an external IT project department and a regular SLA

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Finding experienced and qualified software developers is one of the most difficult problems that small, medium, and large companies face.

The task becomes more difficult when you need to find not only one or two developers or testers, but to hire a whole software development department that includes all the necessary specialists. It is good when you can “marshal” a whole team, whose members already know each other well and have successfully worked together on a number of projects. But this happens very rarely. And, of course, the search for the head of a development department is a special story.

There are no highly professional and competent CIOs with expertise in product development who are in “free flight” in the market, especially if we are talking about those who have already reached certain heights and are looking for a place with new, interesting and previously unexplored tasks. Even if you manage to attract such an executive, he needs time to build his team of specialists, or work together and tune in to the same wave with existing employees and get into the specifics of the business. In short, the task is not an easy one. But what if the project must be implemented on a tight deadline, and the result was needed literally “yesterday”?

In this case, it is possible to involve an outsourcing contractor. IT outsourcing services appeared on the market a few decades ago. The principle “give away everything that is not your core business” is successfully applied to this day. At the same time, the classical IT-outsourcing entails a whole train of possible risks, such as the low competence of the contractor’s employees, the lack of experience of the customer with the IT-outsourcer as well as the complexity of the management of the tasks performed. A step-by-step control is especially important, making it possible to make timely corrections to the project, steer it in the right direction, set the right priorities for all tasks, etc.

Long construction time in IT is, unfortunately, a common phenomenon, but it is too expensive for both parties. Therefore, today flexible project management methodologies are increasingly being used in various industries, but in this case it is important that they are just as effective in IT contractor, and the customer could take an active part in it, including stage-by-stage control and monitoring.

For example, the work can be organized so that every two weeks the client receives already working functionality for use in their current activities. It is important that during these periods he has the ability to adjust the requirements for changes in the business, which then will be reflected in the software. Moreover, if the work is properly structured, the customer can adjust the timing of stages, temporarily suspending the project. The prerequisite of success here is the research of target audiences, business models, and product values, which IT department of the customer often cannot do alone.

Service level agreement (SLA) serves as a guarantee of relationship between the client and IT partner, which accompanies the majority of service agreements, project implementation agreements, etc. As a rule, SLA regulates the parameters of qualitative realization of a project in its final point, i.e. what a customer should get as a result. This was the case before the pandemic, but now the world is changing rapidly. Remote work, cross-border teams, increasing staff turnover, the widespread use of agile project management methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Kanban), and the reduction of time to complete tasks are gradually changing the approach to SLA. We are talking about the fact that the SLA should regulate not only the final or intermediate stages of the project, but also the regular steps of its implementation. For example, it can be a certain period of time during which a predetermined list of tasks should be performed, for each of which a responsible person (task manager), one or more executors, as well as observers are assigned. Thus, all work on the project is divided into micro-stages (sprints); each of them takes five working days. At the end of this period is “Demo”, where the result is presented, and the customer accepts the work. This evaluates not only the fact that the task is performed, but also the compliance of the work done to the service level agreement. At the same time, every week there is planning, within the framework of which the time costs and specific tasks for the next sprint are defined. In the end, the customer and the contractor organize a reliable communication channel. In fact, for the client, such communication looks the same as if he were interacting with his own in-house specialists, who are in another office and, if necessary, come for face-to-face meetings.

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Seize the Opportunity: How the Pandemic Impacts IT Mon, 02 Aug 2021 16:59:00 +0000 When working remotely, it is possible to build both the interaction of processes and to combine work with other things in a reasonably harmonious way. … Continue readingSeize the Opportunity: How the Pandemic Impacts IT

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When working remotely, it is possible to build both the interaction of processes and to combine work with other things in a reasonably harmonious way.

In difficult times, there is always more interest in IT. Be it economic crises, when everyone starts to count money and cut costs. Or deterioration of the political situation, when suddenly people remember that information is an important weapon. The current growing emphasis on IT is associated with recurrent lockdowns, when many employees are forced to work remotely and become heavily dependent on communication and IT.

At the same time, IT quality categories such as reliability, security, performance, and recoverability are being discovered to have a serious impact on the performance of more and more people.

Usability has an equally serious, though not so obvious, impact on results, because when you are stressed in the workplace for 8 hours, you can hardly show good results.

Thus, what experts have been saying for quite a long time, namely that IT quality is determined not only by software functionality, but also by many other characteristics, has become obvious to many. Although back in 2015, the approach to software quality was significantly expanded and the first standards of the SQUARE series (Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation, GOST R ISO/IEC 250** standards, for example, ISO/IEC 25010-2015 Quality Models for Systems and Software Products) appeared. I would also like to note that modern IT allow not only in the vast majority of cases to achieve the required values of quality parameters, but also to monitor their changes in real time. Why this is not given enough attention? Typically the answer to questions of this kind I hear: “There is not enough budget,” a little less often: “We don’t have time for this.


As a member of project teams, as a manager and a supervisor of many projects, I can conclude that the quality of developed software in no way directly proportional to the budget allocated to the project. Quite the opposite, in fact. High-budget projects which are subject to increased attention and strict control are seldom successful. The project team and PMs of such projects are too afraid to make a mistake, which is not good for the cause. Excessive caution leads to trampling, and the main effort is spent on proving to management that the money was not spent in vain. Potemkin villages, and colorful presentations, and deployed dashboards are used. And since the project team’s efforts are not limitless, there is no more time left for the actual creation of the project result. Our book on digital transformation[1] has a chapter on budgeting. It deals with digital transformation projects, but the described methods are quite suitable for automation projects as well. It is high time to stop annual budgeting, which is a relic of the Soviet era and state centralized planning. In the book Terry Wright convincingly proves that this approach goes against the methods of agile software development. The annual budgeting itself is often the main obstacle to the introduction of such techniques in organizations. Of course, planning for such a serious period of time prevents the flexibility that IT projects need in today’s environment, even if they are conducted according to a cascade model. Not only that, but it also impedes the agility that organizations need in other areas of activity. Budgets must be planned for short periods of time, each time analyzing whether the project is worth continuing, whether it still meets the company’s needs. If such planning goes against the company’s financial policy (and this policy is “sacrosanct”), it is advisable to budget a portfolio of projects, within which to use more flexible methods of budget distribution. In conclusion, I would like to point out that all the mega-expensive IT projects that I know of, and there are quite a few of them, have ended in high-profile failures.

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